I have an itch rash. Do we treat itchy rash?
We are a skin cancer service with focus on skin conditions from excessive sun exposure. For general skin conditions and rashes, please first consult your GP.
A dermatology appointment may be more appropriate for rashes.
My cosmetic clinic has asked me to get a "clearance" so they can perform cosmetic treatments on my moles. Can I get such a document?
We do not provide clearance for other practitioners to perform cosmetic treatments, such as laser or IPL treatments of pigmentation.
We believe that if a practitioner is not able to assess untreated skin for skin cancer or pre-cancerous changes BEFORE treatment, they will not be able to safely monitor and assess changes in your skin AFTER such treatment.
Having experience and skills to deal with changes arising from such treatment is an absolute necessity for safe cosmetic treatments.
Therefore we are unable to faciliitate such unsafe practices.
A practitioner has asked me to get a "clearance" so they can perform tattoos on my skin or remove my tattoos. Can I get such a document?
We do not provide clearance for other practitioners to perform skin procedures. Whoever performs the procedures should have adequate knowledge and skills to assess the suitability of their treatments..
We do not provide "clearance" for other practitioners to perform skin treatments.
Please do not request such documents as refusal may offend.